What Is Hungry Ghost Month: 11 Feng Shui Do’s + Don’ts

Bhawana Rathore
4 min readOct 23, 2022

Do you know What Is Hungry Ghost Month? Hungry Ghosts month is a month dedicated to the celebration of an ancient tradition that honors the spirits of the dead.

The Hungry Ghost is a Chinese festivity that comes out of paying respect to the ghosts and the spirits of the deceased.

According to Chinese tradition, Ghost Month is classified as one of the main Taoist and Buddhist celebrations when ghosts are let loose from heaven and hell to revisit the earth.

Hungry Ghosts month is usually marked with month-long celebrations that see different communities sharing rice with the needy and setup traditional activities that made people-both the living and the ghosts catch all the excitement.

Commemorating the festivity also involves the burning of paper money and food across major areas of Chinese Asia to appease the spirits of the dead and reverence their ancestors.

In this blog, we delivered helpful tips that will make the next Hungry Ghosts month lucky by knowing what to embrace and what to avoid.

You will learn how to apply Feng Shui to attract positive energy and invite good luck during this festivity normally seen as an unlucky event.

So, this blog is about the meaning of Hungry Ghost Month in Feng Shui, and the dos and don’ts of being lucky.

What Is Hungry Ghost Month Festival?

The Hungry Ghost festival is celebrated to respect the spirits of the deceased and offer prayers to their ancestors. It is an annual festival that ushers the return of dead spirits into the earth.

The spirits of the dead that have families are believed to go back and visit their homes and those that have no relatives would meander about the earth.

Hungry Ghost Festival Story

The Hungry Ghost Festival is commemorated in many Asian countries including China, Taiwan Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, India, Vietnam, and Singapore.

The Hungry Ghost Festival originated from an aged tale given in ancient China.

According to the story, one Mulian, who was a monk, had requested the Buddha soliciting assistance for his mother to receive fair treatment in the next world.

The story narrated that the mother of Mulian was seriously starving, and since she was dead, she cannot eat.

Then the Buddha instructed Mulian to put together gifts of food and fine clothes that should be presented to the monks instead.

But the mother of Mulian was grateful for the gift, and the monk prayed for her. This led to her rebirth as a person, which stopped her hunger.

How Is Hungry Ghost Celebrated?

Hungry Ghost is celebrated mainly by offering foods, including the burning of incense and joss paper. Some valuable items such as money, clothes, and gold are burnt as a way of feeding the hungry ghosts.

Hungry Ghost Month Begins And End In 2023?

Hungry Ghost Month begins on the 16thof August and ends on September 14th, 2023. While the date of the Ghost Festival is on the 30th of August, 2023.

How To Attract Luck and Positive Energy During Ghost Month

If you want to attract luck, and positive energy during Ghost Month, follow these tips.

Use Salt To Reduce The Effect Of Negative Energy

If you plan to move into a new house or desire to renovate the present one, take rock salt and sprinkle it on your main entrance, close to the windows, and in every corner of your home are capable of chasing away bad luck.

The evil spirits that are hiding can also be chased out of your room by placing a glass of water containing salt by your bedside.

Always Maintain A Pleasant Outlook

To attract positive energy and good luck during Ghost Month, keep a happy countenance and outlook in your house.

Add more lighting fixtures to make your home shine and brighter particularly in the corners. You can also place colored sheets that are bright and shining.

Know that an adequately lit home attracts good luck, positive energy, and peace.

Light Some Incense

One of the ways of attracting positive energy, and good luck during Ghost Month is to light nine sticks of incense and move them around the rooms in your house.

This practice has can help cleanse your home during Ghost Month.

Put Your Protection Charms Close

If you want to attract positive energy, it is necessary to protect yourself from a bad situation. You can achieve this by putting your protection charms, also called Evil eye protection close to you.

These charms protect you against emotional difficulties. Protection charms include amulets and lucky crystals.

Click here to know more on What Is Hungry Ghost Month: 11 Feng Shui Do’s + Don’ts

