How To Care For Orchids Indoors That Thrive All Year Long

Bhawana Rathore
4 min readAug 13, 2022

How To Care For Orchids Indoors- Some varieties of orchids grow well inside because they are attractive and low-maintenance.

They also generate beautiful blooms that liven up your home with vibrant hues. But what is required to maintain and develop orchids indoors?

In order to care for orchids indoors, give orchids enough sunshine, water, fertilizer, and humidity when caring for them indoors. Common houseplants like orchids may flourish inside if you provide them with the right circumstances for growth. You may keep them alive within your house by providing them with the right care.

Continue reading to discover how to get the right potting media, water them, and feed them, as well as anything else you need to know about caring for orchids inside.

Additionally, you’ll be aware of the finest locations for your orchids as well as how to handle typical challenges and insect concerns.

Things To Expect From This Article

Understanding indoor shrubs is an essential initial step in successfully cultivating them, either inside or perhaps outside.

It is necessary that you accurately identify your orchid so that you may learn more about it and find out the best way to take care of it.

Learn everything there is to know about the families, species, genera, and classifications of the orchids you adopt and bring into your house.

You should be knowledgeable about indoor orchids’ development patterns and the species that would do well in an enclosed space.

You’ll have a lot of success if you choose the ideal kinds of orchids to maintain indoors.

Although orchids have a bad reputation for being difficult to cultivate, certain varieties can be grown indoors and are rather simple to take care of.

You must thus be sure to get the appropriate ones to maintain inside your house.

Phalaenopsis or Moth Orchids

You may now repot the orchid by:

Odontoglossum Orchids

After purchasing your orchids, the first task you should complete is repotting them.

Although these plants dislike being disturbed, you must understand how to examine their root systems and remove any root rot as soon as possible.

Here are the procedures for cleaning the roots of your orchid plant and repotting:

Ideal Pots For Indoor Orchids

  • Small containers are often preferred by orchids, especially those constructed of plastic.
  • This is due to the ease with which plastic orchid pots allow you to isolate the bases of your orchid species while repotting them.
  • Additionally, you might wish to purchase specific orchid pots, which differ from regular pots in that they include holes, slats, or additional holes at the bottom.
  • Good aeration and drainage are ensured by the additional slats and perforations.

Indoor Orchid Growing Media

  • The majority of orchids we keep inside are epiphytes, which means they don’t require soil to develop.
  • You must thus procure a unique growth medium that permits their roots to connect.
  • This growth medium ought to allow water to drain quickly and give your plant good airflow.
  • You may buy ready-to-use orchid planting mixtures and otherwise develop your homemade.
  • Depending on the type of orchid you are growing or keeping indoors, you should consider the potting materials you use.
  • Sphagnum moss, rock wool, Fir bark, perlite, dried fern roots, coconut fiber, stones, cork nuggets, lava rocks, or a combination of any of these materials can all be used to create a mixture.

Grow Light For Indoor Orchids

  • Many orchid species are native to tropical areas, thus they benefit from filtered sunshine. In actuality, 12 to 14 hours of indirect yet bright light is excellent.
  • But in temperate areas, natural light intensity and duration vary rather than being constant as they are in tropical environments. even more so if you keep your orchids inside.
  • As a result, putting your orchid in a spot in your home that receives bright light for a few hours every day might not be sufficient.
  • By adding artificial light in addition to natural sunlight, this problem is readily resolved.
  • A grow light is also very useful in the winter.

Fertilizer For Indoor Orchids

  • Fertilizers are necessary to promote healthy growth in your orchids because their growing media cannot provide all the nutrients they require.
  • To further enhance the beauty of your home, fertilizers will also assist your orchids to produce flowers.
  • Expert gardeners advise using a liquid fertilizer that has been diluted and applied while the plant is actively growing. You may deduce from this that you won’t need to nourish them during the dead of winter.
  • Additionally, feeding orchids immediately after repotting is not advised.
  • While some farmers use a 10–10–30 or a 30–10–10 fertilizer, others use a 10–10–10 in an NPK ratio.
  • Additionally, you might want to make fish emulsion or seaweed extracts. These can be misted on orchids to provide them with vital micronutrients.

Watering Indoor Orchids

  • If you want to keep orchids inside, you must cultivate them in pots with a medium consisting of loosely packed materials. Check the orchids watering guide.
  • These components help the roots stay well-aerated and the water to drain quickly. This is because letting orchids sit in water will destroy them faster than anything else.
  • You must give your orchids vigorous watering once a week. The plants might then begin to dry out a bit before the following watering schedule.
  • You should be aware that while orchids may tolerate occasional neglect and dry spells, they cannot tolerate being overwatered or receiving excessive moisture.

How To Care For Indoor Orchids In The Winter

Given that there are so many different types and kinds of orchids, caring for orchids indoors may seem like a rather challenging issue.

They are all unique flowers with unique wants and traits. But when it comes right down to it, some fundamentals never change. Just adhere to the tips listed above.

Read the complete guide here for more info.

