Feng Shui Dragon Placement & Directions Exclusive Guide [For Prosperity] — FengShuiTricks.com

Bhawana Rathore
5 min readDec 21, 2019

The dragon is a powerful and auspicious traditional feng shui cure and an excellent yang / masculine strong feng shui symbol.

In this blog, we are going to understand the correct Feng shui dragon or Chinese dragon placement and directions guide 2020–2021.

A pearl, or a crystal, in the Chinese dragon’s claw of feng shui symbolizes wealth, power, and an abundance of opportunities.

This mythical animal inspires and elevates the personal spirit of development, as a challenge for an individual, inducing him to achieve success and prosperity, this is the meaning of the Feng Shui or Chinese Dragon symbology.

Meaning Of Feng Shui Dragon in Chinese

Dragon is an essential part of Chinese culture for ages. Also, it ranked as one of the most powerful symbols of Yang’s energy overall. In Feng shui, it uses as an auspicious symbol which, symbolizes authoritative power, nobility, success, divine protection, wealth, and plentiful opportunities.

Apart from above meaning there is also dragon energy spiritual meaning of dragon. Which says that dragon represents supernatural power, wisdom, strength, and hidden knowledge.

What Is The Importance Of Feng Shui Dragon?

What does chinese dragon symbolize? The most obvious question.Its symbol is used in Feng Shui to empower the metal dragon figurine.

The Importance Of Chinese Dragon element in any part of its space, recommending to place feng shui dragons in the corner of the East or Southeast. It is one of the traditional Chinese objects that helps to add balance and harmony to the environment.

In China, the dragon symbol is visible everywhere, as it is a vital belief of Chinese culture.

Dragon Turtle Facing Direction

For best results, feng shui dragon turtle facing direction must be in the north or northwest directions as per feng shui Bagua areas of your dragon home or office that facing your lucky direction. You can choose good-quality bronze Chinese dragon statues or one carved from a crystal dragon or stone dragon for gardens.

Feng Shui Dragon Picture Placement

How to use dragon in home ?As per Feng Shui experts, the preferable way to use chinese dragon picture is to frame a picture or any image of a dragon with metal. As there is a belief that it will feed the good fortune that the dragon is bringing.

On the other hand, we need to strictly avoid framing a dragon image in a wood frame. As wood needs water to grow, which resulting in the Wood element inhibiting the Water element. Although keeping wood dragon itself is not a good feng shui.

You may also find many offers on dragon pictures for sale online. Keep on checking such offers to bring prosperity for your house.

Feng Shui Phoenix and Dragon Placement- Tips

The Feng Shui dragon is a very powerful and traditional symbol that you can use at home to protect your home. It has strong yang (masculine energy) and has a pearl in the dragon’s claw that symbolizes wealth, power, and abundance of opportunities.

So now this is the most obvious question where do I place a dragon feng shui 2020 or Where should I place a dragon in my house?

“ The Feng Shui Dragon and Phoenix are considered one of the most powerful and valued symbols in Feng Shui and as we know Chi (vital energy) “

Dragons Feng Shui comes in many sizes and variations of colors and materials. For example, a green dragon for the east side of the house is great for health.

While a gold dragon Feng Shui dragon can be great for enhancing wealth and abundance.

Having a dragon at home in any area of ​​your home is a good thing you can do, you can place it wherever you want in your house, without restrictions!

You can improve your knowledge more on Feng Shui by the below-related articles.

If you want to have more than one Feng Shui dragon in your home it is recommended that you do not have more than 5. And if you want to place it too high in your home, then never do it above your eyes.

If you want the dragon to give you strength and protection in love, then you will have to put the dragon in the area of ​​your relationships.

And synchronize it with the Dragon and Phoenix to be able to have great marital happiness.

There are several ways to decide the best feng shui location and dragon positioning in your home, you can choose the area based on what you want to achieve with it. Some indications that you can do well to place it in your home are:

  • Place the dragon in an open space with a good flow of Chi energy.
  • Make sure the dragon does not have its eyes on the window or the door (the same goes for the claw and the pearl).
  • Treat the dragon with respect so that it benefits you with all its energy.

There are several ways to decide the best location and location of the dragon in your home. Here are several suggestions for the ideal location of your dragon’s feng shui.

  • Make sure your feng shui dragon looks towards the house (to attract the energy of dragon wealth and prosperity, can try mandarin ducks also) and does not look out the window, for example.
  • Do not put your feng shui dragon in front of a wall or place the dragon in a narrow/restricted corner of your room.
  • Avoid having the pearl in the dragon’s claw facing the window or the door.
  • Do not place many feng shui cures too close to your dragon.
  • Dragons are powerful and magical feng shui creatures with a lot of powerful energy that can go in any direction.
  • Give your feng shui dragon plenty of room to breathe and treat the dragon with respect.

People have been using the dragon as a powerful symbol to revitalize areas of their lives for thousands of years. Maybe

Summary: After reading all these articles, presumably everyone has a new understanding. And understanding of the feng shui dragon tips, you can understand it, and you can also increase some Fengshui insights!

Find the detailed guide with Feng shui dragon usages, placement and benefits here

Originally published at https://fengshuitricks.com on December 21, 2019.

