2021 Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart [Love, Marriage, Friendship]- Everything You Need To Know
People around the world have trusted astrological Chinese zodiac matching for ages. Similarly, the Chinese love matches have used the yin yang astrology calculator for marriage or romantic relationships.
1982 Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart
The Chinese calendar has 12 zodiac animal symbols. It is believed that each animal's Chinese compatibility chart signs influence the people born under it. Therefore, they acquire certain characteristics and personalities accordingly.
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If we know our animal sign, then we can understand our compatibility to gain guidance in life for relationships. Here, we will discuss in detail the Chinese zodiac compatibility chart.
What Is The Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart?
The Chinese calendar for marriage compatible has 12 zodiac signs in the Chinese calendar that are as follows: tiger, ox, rat, snake, dragon, rabbit, monkey, sheep, horse, pig, dog, and rooster. As mentioned earlier, people born under these signs acquire characteristics and personalities that influence their life.
1979 Chinese zodiac Compatibility Charts For Signs
These animal signs are determined on the basis of the particular Chinese year's compatibility that people are born. However, the Chinese calendar is not similar to the Gregorian calendar that we usually follow in day-to-day life.
The Chinese zodiac or ‘sheng xiao’ has a repeat cycle of 12 years and each of the years is represented by the above-mentioned animals and their associated attributes.
To find out your right animal sign, we recommend using an online Chinese astrology matching compatibility calculator. You can put in your Gregorian birth date and it will reveal your zodiac animal sign.
Which Chinese zodiac signs are compatible?
Usually, the animal Chinese compatibility signs that are four years apart are compatible while those six years apart are regarded as incompatible. They have according to chinese zodiac best matches.
How To Use Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart?
As mentioned earlier, the animal Chinese compatible signs that are four years apart are compatible while those six years apart are regarded as incompatible.
You can find out the compatibility between you and your friend/partner using the Chinese love horoscope that works on the Chinese zodiac compatibility calculator.
We have prepared a Chinese zodiac sign Compatibility Chart below to help you check your compatible animal signs. You can rely on this chart to know the friendship or love test compatibilities before starting a relationship.
Chinese Zodiac Compatibility 2020 For Friendship
The Chinese zodiac animal signs are closely related to each other and have a special combination and relationship. For the Chinese zodiac friendship compatibility, the three popular combinations are as follows:
#1 The Trinity Combination: The trinity combination or allies is a group of three animal signs that can be regarded as the best friends when it comes to their Chinese horoscopes loves compatibility match.
People in these groups will not only compensate for each other’s weaknesses but also support their strong personalities. They work towards a common goal and it is advised to cultivate a friendship with them for both personal and business reasons.
#2 The Secret Chinese zodiac pairings: This combination of two animal signs is extremely special. They bring out a hidden strength and one particular element of energy in each other.
#3 The Conflicting Sign: This combination indicates two friends that are extremely opposite to each other in terms of personalities. However, you must not think that they will be enemies. But, it will create conflicts and misunderstandings between them.
Chinese Zodiac Friendship Compatibility Chart
Zodiac Compatibility Calculator For Marriage
Chinese horoscope marriage compatibility calculator helps us in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of our relationships.
The Chinese astrology matching is created on the basis of a lunar cycle comprising 12 years that symbolizes 12 animals. Each individual born under an animal sign has a particular set of characteristics.
According to a popular legend, these 12 animals were selected by Buddha. As Buddha was about to die, he called upon all the animals to come to him.
Only 12 animals came to him at the time — tiger, ox, rat, snake, dragon, rabbit, monkey, sheep, horse, pig, dog, and rooster. Buddha then honored these animals and gave them their respective place in the Chinese zodiac signs.
Based on these animal signs, people can reveal their zodiac signs compatibility for marriage. You can refer to the chart that we have provided in the section.
How to Use the Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart?
To know your compatible partner for marriage. Chinese Astrology matching is as popular as the other belief systems around the world such as the Western Zodiac Astrology Compatibility, Korean Zodiac Compatibility, Japanese Astrology Calculator, etc.
Rabbit Compatibility Chart
- People born under the Rabbit zodiac sign are most compatible with those born under the Dog sign. Besides the Dog, the other two compatible signs are the Sheep and the Pig.
- People belonging to these animal signs can develop healthy relationships as lovers, cooperators, or friends. The animal signs that can be considered as almost-compatible are the Tiger, Monkey, Snake, and the other Rabbit. These relationships can be amicable and harmonious.
- However, the animal signs that are least compatible with the Rabbit are the Rooster, Horse, Rat, Dragon, and Ox. It is believed that these Chinese zodiac relationships in particular have a difficult time in marriage, friendship, and business partnerships.
- If you understand the characteristics of people born under the Rabbit sign, you will find that they can’t have a harmonious relationship with the Rooster as the Roosters like to criticize others too much.
- Similarly, as the Horse sign is known for changeable characters, they cannot bond well with the Rabbit. The Ox and Rabbit compatibility chart have personality differences, therefore, they can’t stand each other.
- And for the Rat, they are never a perfect match owing to their extreme incompatibility in the Chinese zodiac. You can use the Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Test to know more about the Rabbit’s compatible signs.
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Pig Compatibility Chart
- People born under the Pig zodiac sign are most compatible with those born under the Rabbit sign. The Rabbit sign is usually silent and can easily work together with the Pigs to attain common goals.
- The Pigs can understand the Tigers quite well and they both can admire each other’s qualities. This helps them to overcome their shortcomings.
- Also, it gives them an opportunity for learning from each other’s mistakes. The Sheep can also accommodate the Pigs and there are bound to be very few conflicts between them.
- Besides the Tigers and the Sheep, the other compatible signs are the Rat, Ox, Dragon, Horse, Rooster, and Dog. People belonging to these animal signs can develop healthy relationships as lovers, cooperators, or friends.
- The animal signs that can be considered as least compatible are the Monkey, Snake, and the other Pigs. These Chinese zodiac relationships can be extremely difficult to cultivate and sustain.
- While the Snakes and the Monkeys can be too cunning for them, the other Pigs can adversely impact each other’s confidence.
Horse Compatibility Chart
People born under the Pig zodiac sign are most compatible with those born under the signs of the Tiger, Sheep, and Dog. The Horse people find the dependence of the Sheep helping them in realizing their life goals.
While the Horses greatly admire the hospitality of the Tigers, they are attracted to the Dogs because of their patient character.
The animal signs that can be considered as least compatible are the Rat, Ox, Rabbit, and the other Horses. The nature of the Rats and the Ox creates conflicts with the Horses.
While the Rabbits are silent, the Horses usually lack patience and that’s why they can’t bond with each other. Horses are also known to hate the restraint of daily trifles.
So two Horses can never complement each other. You can use the Chinese Compatibility Calculator to find your perfect Chinese love match traits.
How Does The Chinese Zodiac Determine Compatibility
So far we have discussed the compatibility of some of the animal signs. Before we discuss more of them, let us help you to understand.
Eastern Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart
How the Chinese astrology Matching Compatibility works based on the Chinese element compatibility calculator. The 12 animals that we have mentioned in the chart are based on the Five Elements:
As per the traditional Chinese astrology matches, the Five Elements are said to be in a balanced generating cycle. While the Fire burns down the things to ash (Earth), the Earth bears the Metal inside.
Under high temperature, Metal converts to liquid or Water. As the Water nourishes the Wood, it is finally Wood that feeds the Fire. Based on this balanced generating cycle.
The Chinese zodiac compatibility of the various animal signs is determined. Some zodiac animal’s compatibility can perfectly support and strengthen each other because of their agreeable elements.
Some can be almost-compatible and stay in harmony with the least conflicts. But some elements can create hindrances and harm each other if they form any kind of relationship.
What Is My Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility
To find out your zodiac animal, we recommend you use the Chinese Zodiac calculator. All you need to do is put in your Chinese astrology compatibility charts by date of birth as per the Gregorian calendar and it will generate your right zodiac animal.
Then you can use the Chinese Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart to check your compatibility with other animal signs and form Chinese zodiac relationships accordingly. Which is mentioned above.
Chinese Zodiac Astrology Love Compatibility Chart
Please refer to the Chinese relationship chart we have shared earlier in the section ‘ How to Use the Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart? ‘
It will help you to understand the Feng Shui love compatibility between you and your better half.
Snake Compatibility Chart
Year of the snake compatibility — People born under influence of the Snake zodiac sign are found most compatible with people of the Ox, Rooster, and the Monkey sign. The Ox is regarded as reliable and works selflessly without any complaints.
Their common social goals help them in getting along with each other. As far as the Monkey is concerned, the Snake can bond with them easily both as lovers and business partners.
The other compatible signs for the Snake are the Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Sheep, and the Dog.
The worst compatible signs for the Snake are the Tiger and the Pig. The Tigers do not prefer the penetrative eyes of the Snake. Similarly, the Pigs are extremely honest and they can’t digest the diplomatic character of the Snakes.
Dragon Compatibility Chart
- Who is the dragon most compatible with? : Rat, Rooster, Monkey
- Least Compatible with: Ox, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Sheep
- People born under the Dragon sign find those born under the Monkey sign as the most compatible because of their tacit understanding of each other.
- The Dragons are also attracted to the humorous and practical nature of the Rats. The Roosters not only have similar interests with the Dragons but also help in advancing their careers.
- The other compatible signs for the Dragon are the pig, horse, snake, and tiger. These people appreciate the Dragon’s exceptional bearing and strength.
- The Dragons cannot bond with other Dragons under any circumstances as they can’t give up their own decisions for the other. The authoritative Ox is always in conflict with the stubborn Dragon.
- However, the worst compatible signs for the strong Dragons are the Dog and the Sheep. The Dogs have a close guard and the Sheep have a meek personality.
- And the Chinese astrology strongly rejects any relationship between the Dragon and the Rabbit. Kindly refer to the Dragon compatibility chart to know more about your chinese sign love compatibility.
Ox Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart
- The Rooster and the Ox perfectly complement each other. Their strong sense of devotion and efficient work ethics make them amazing friends and partners.
- Since the Rat and the Snake take extremely good care of the Ox, their relations can be harmonious and sustaining.
- The other compatible signs for the Ox are the tiger, the other ox, monkey, and the pig. These people won’t be close with the Ox but they can still adjust with each other.
- The Rabbits are dominating in both career and marriage and that’s why the Ox can’t stay with them. Though the often praise the Ox, they can’t be expected to have a healthy relationship in the long run.
- Horses do not like the Ox as they harm them in both career and love. The usual dullness of the Ox creates conflicts with the active nature of the Dogs. As mentioned earlier, the Sheep are usually tender.
- So, they can’t survive the stubborn nature of the Ox. Kindly refer to the Ox compatibility chart to know more about your Chinese sign compatibility chart.
Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart Percentage
You will often find a zodiac compatibility percentage of compatibility when you use the Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Calculator. This reading is based on the Chinese astrology’s lunar calendar that has 12 animal signs closely associated with the Five Elements.
If you use the zodiac percentage test to find your compatibility with your partner, you will also get a compatibility rating along with the Chinese zodiac number.
This compatibility rating is the percentage that can help you assess the success and fruitfulness of your potential relationship. The higher the percentage, the more compatible you will be with your partner.
Chinese Zodiac Rooster Compatibility Chart
- With similar and strong characters, the Rooster and the Snake both complement each other. The Snake adds colors to the usual dull life of the Roosters so they get along well.
- The Rooster and the Dragon are also compatible in the sense that they both are creative and assist in promoting each other’s career. The other compatible signs for the Rooster are the Tiger, Sheep, Monkey, and Pig.
- When a Rooster comes into a relationship with another rooster, they are often seen fighting more than usual. The opposite personalities of the Rooster and the Rabbit keep them in constant conflict.
- As for the Dogs, the Roosters sometimes get along with them. But, they eventually turn cold and indifferent towards each other. That’s why their long-term relationship is doomed to be a failure.
Chinese Zodiac Signs Compatibility And Meanings
The twelve Chinese New Year animals’ compatibility chart can be categorized into four groups based on the animal sign’s similar ways of thinking and understanding.
These four groups have three animal signs each. If you know their personalities, you will understand why they are compatible and incompatible with the other animal signs.
#Group 2: Ox, Snake, and Rooster
People belonging to these animal signs are deep thinkers. They are always focused on achieving their goals and bond with each other due to their similar intellectual powers and habits.
#Group 3: Tiger, Horse, and Dog
People belonging to these animal signs are great admirers of freedom. They understand each other well. But, due to their strong sense of personal ego, they do get in conflicts at times.
#Group 4: Rabbit, Sheep, and Pig
People belonging to these animal signs are peace-loving and sympathetic. Their strong belief in cooperation and mutual benefit makes them great pairs.
Pig Rat Compatibility Chinese Zodiac Sign
Among the 12 animal signs, the Rat and the Pig are regarded as one of the best Chinese zodiac matches. Though the Rats are usually thrifty and the Pigs are luxury-loving, they still complement each other as the Rats keep a check on the Pigs from going into debt.
This compatibility is not limited to love and friendship. They are considered as great sexual partners as well.
The Pigs admire the lustful nature of the Rats and the Rats are a fan of the sexual enthusiasm of the Pigs. The kissing, cuddling, and comfort make them amazing partners in bed.
Know your strengths and shortcomings and also of those around you. Once you are aware of your zodiac animal sign, you can also reveal your elements, lucky colors, and the numbers to guide you through life.
Originally published at https://fengshuitricks.com on August 4, 2020.