15 Fu Lu Shou Statues Placement, Benefits, Significance

Bhawana Rathore
4 min readMay 10, 2022

Feng Shui Fu Lu Shou Statues Placement Tips- Fu Lu Shou constitutes a significant part of Chinese households. The three deities are known to bring luck and prosperity your way. To know more about their placement, continue reading!

In Chinese folklore, Fu Lu Shou is the name of three deities. In literal terms, the names mean blessings, prosperity, and longevity. These three are known to cover most aspects of life broadly.

In most households, offices, and shops, you will often see these three statues there, hoping that they will bring happiness and luck. In other terms, these are also known as the Three Star Gods.

Contrary to popular belief, these aren’t worshipped. Rather, they are displayed in homes or offices to symbolize fortune and luck, and harmony. Lots of people also think that these statues are very lucky for them.

Fu Lu and Shou are more than just deities. They represent harmony. Ideally, they should be placed in any main room of the house. They should not face each other or the toilet or the staircase. Apart from that, they should be arranged in a row, with Lu in the middle. They can only work their magic if enough focus is given to their arrangement and placement.

To know more about these statues and their placement, continue reading!

Fu is the Chinese character seen to be carrying a child and a scroll. Representing blessings and fortune, this character is a staple in almost every Chinese household.

  • The child symbolizes luck.
  • The scroll, on the other hand, shows the importance of knowledge and learning and why that is important to live a healthy and successful life.

Fu’s Tales in Folklore

  • There was once a government official named Xang Cheng. In his village, most people were very short.
  • The emperor got excited when he found out about this village. When he saw others shorter than him, he felt great about himself.
  • Since he found it very hard to visit the village again, he ordered some short people from the village to be sent to his palace every year.
  • They were then told to remain there and not return home, which caused the population of the village to decrease.
  • Xang Cheng found out about this, after which he approached the emperor and tried to come to common grounds.
  • They then signed a petition, after which he was able to save the village.
  • He gave a great speech and also wrote very well. He is popular for his bravery.

Lu is the Chinese God Of Wealth and character most known for wealth and abundance. He is seen carrying something in his hand, which is a symbol of higher social status. It is also a wealth symbol.

  • In Mandarin, his name means salary, and thus he is most popularly known for raising his social status.
  • Many times, young students tend to take their blessings when taking exams or trying to get jobs.

Lu’s Tales in Folklore

  • Most people believed that those who got the best positions were the ones whom Lu had blessed.
  • In many tales, it is seen that Lu gives blessings to those who are childless and have been wanting a child for a long.
  • There are many different tales about who Lu was.
  • Some believe that he was a Chinese general who had many children. All his children were very successful in whatever they ventured into, which made him popular for giving success.

Shou is the God of longevity. He carries a peach of longevity in one hand. He has a long forehead which makes him very easy to recognize.

  • Most people believe that he can fix every person’s death date beforehand.
  • He cannot change anyone’s death dates but is known to have the power to tamper with them.

Shou’s Tales in Folklore

  • There was once a boy named Zao Yan. A fortune-teller told him that he would only live till he was nineteen. Upon hearing this, he was devastated.
  • The elders told him to take some food and wine and go to the forest; he offered the food and wine to two men playing chess there. They told him not to utter a single word.
  • He did just so. He found out that these two men were the Old man of the South Pole and the Old man of the North Pole. They peacefully ate what he gave them.
  • To thank him for what he did, they reversed his digits so that he would live up to ninety-one years of age. When the boy turned ninety-one, he peacefully died in his sleep.
  • On many birthday cards, there are images of Shou since most people believe that he has the power to give them a long life.

Fu Lu Shou Statues Placement Tips

These three-star gods show represent harmony.

According to popular belief, if you place these in one of the main rooms of your house, then there will surely be endless good fortune coming your way from there. In most Chinese households, these are there in at least one area of the house.

Lillian Too, a famous Feng Shui expert, suggests that these should be placed in the dining room or the living room. You can even place them at your office for good fortune.

While these aren’t worshipped or prayed to, you need to respect them. Here are a few Fu Lu Shou statues placement tips that will surely help you.

Read here for more details 15 Fu Lu Shou Statues Placement, Benefits, Significance

